I Don’t Want My Leg To Be Cut Off, Actor Mr Ibu Cries Out From Sick Bed

In a video he posted on his verified Instagram account on Wednesday which has gone viral, the actor was seen soliciting help and prayers from fans.

According to Mr Ibu, he has been in the hospital for some weeks and the doctors said they will have to cut off his leg if their next line of action does not work out.

“I have been down for so many weeks. All I am hoping for Is your prayers and assistance, as I speak to you I am still lying down at the hospital. The medical director of this hospital said that the best solution is in case his new idea doesn’t work, the best idea is to cut off my leg.

“Just see me, if they cut off my leg where will I go from here? Please, be in prayers for me, talk to God Almighty, I don’t want my leg to be cut off, please. Thank you so much, God bless,” the actor said.

His daughter, Jasmine Okafor, also spoke in the video, pleading with individuals and organizations to fly the actor abroad because he is not improving in what she characterized as "one of the best private facilities in Lagos."

"As a family, we want to appeal that at this point, people should come to Daddy's aid and rescue; Daddy has been very down for the past two weeks, so we took him to the hospital," she stated. I've been organizing the bills, convinced that I can do it on my own. We have done all humanly imaginable; as a family, we felt it was something we could do on our own to get him better, but he is not improving.

“He is not getting better; some days, it seems as if he is getting better; some days, it seems like it is getting worse. We are at one of the best private medical facilities in Lagos, and they want to refer us to another hospital because he is not getting better here.”

"The actor’s wife, who also spoke in the video decried her husband’s situation and also cried out for assistance to save him from the situation.

Mr Ibu, who has featured in countless Nollywood movies, just celebrated his 62nd birthday from the hospital bed yesterday.

He has acted in more than 200 Nollywood movies including Mr.Ibu (2004), Mr. Ibu and His Son, which he became associated with.

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