Barcelona executive talks about Messi's return after Inter Miami fail to make playoffs

 Barcelona vice president Eduard Romeu addresses speculations about Lionel Messi's return to the club.

Barcelona Vice President Eduard Romeu has once again spoken about the possibility of Lionel Messi's return to the club. 

The 36-year-old was linked with a return to his boyhood club after his exit from Paris Saint-Germain was confirmed; however, he opted for a move to Inter Miami. 

Given his abrupt departure from Barcelona, much has been made about giving him a proper send-off, and Inter Miami's current dilemma has unearthed the conversations.  

What the Barcelona VP said 

Inter Miami failed to qualify for the MLS playoff; hence, hence will not be busy until February next year. This means Messi has four months off, sparking conversations about the possibility of a short-term loan to Barcelona. 

Messi lost his first match with Inter Miami | X/@BraveRonaldo

Lionel Messi could return to Barcelona | Imago

The club's dire financial situation, which caused his exit and prevented his return is still a problem, and when the Barcelona Vice President was asked about exploiting Inter Miami's circumstances to get Messi, he refused to speculate but left it open. 

"The only thing I would like, and the day and time will surely come when the circumstances are favourable, is that we can pay him a great tribute," he said, per L'Esportiu.

 "He deserves it and we're really looking forward to it. The rest is a matter of speculation, we don't even talk about this subject, because we have already talked about it too many times."


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